"If a wider diversity of hiring can really fix hard business problems, then it shouldhave the receipts to prove it".

Seán Fay - Founder & Inventor of #WholeVillageHiring™

We are in the business of diversity!

#WVH choses to use diversity to fix tough business problems. We do not fixate on diversity as a destination, we use it as a tool.  
● Nasdaq firm USA: Challenging economic conditions (83% reduction in share price during process) Re-occurring executive search fees and reducing retention rates, led to a huge increase in cost to recruit. #WVH increased talent mobility for senior hires so that multiple shortlists could be delivered without any fees. Meaning hiring went from the best talent in the client’s home state to additional talent in another 16 states. More here:  
● Hiring & Housing in Ireland: A job in Ireland has unique access to 242 million talents in the EEA/EU/UK so for nearly all jobs, housing inward talent is harder than hiring them. So #WVH sources housing then uses that to hire talent. Showing a new home from the very start of the hiring process greatly increases who chooses to join in. All driven by our unique data on this. More here:


Lets prove your business case for #WVH

    +353 (01) 485 3113
    (77 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin) & (1000 N West Street, Wilmington)