Come use #WVH to change lives!

"#WholeVillageHiring™ is building the latest version of our platform in Dublin.

We believe in flexible work that could be ideal for folks with a range of work life integrations: e.g. parenting. 

  • #WVH masters time 

    Users of #WVH who are engaging talent are using asynchronous comms and allowing the platform to carry the burden of scaling real human to human contact. We are looking for part time users to work with a connection to our Dublin base, in relation to onboarding clients in the USA. 

  • When you can

    Our onboarding projects range from 4-8 weeks, we are open to people doing some or many. Happy to work around school holidays or anything else that works for you. E.g. shortened week, the value you bring not the total of the time you put in. 

  • Family friendly  

    Our founder led our first project in the USA, mapping and engaging the lower 48 states, at the same time he was welcoming with his partner his new baby son. We are now and always will be a 100% WFH company.

    +353 (01) 485 3113
    (77 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin) & (1000 N West Street, Wilmington)